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How to Support Overall Health & A Healthy Inflammation Response


How to Support Overall Health & A Healthy Inflammation Response

Inflammation has become a bit of a buzzword lately, and there are things you can do to promote a healthy inflammation response in your body that aren’t all that complicated or difficult. Here are a few things you can do on a daily basis to help your overall well-being.

Get enough sleep

We often feel we need to do it all: put in a full day’s work, prepare dinner, volunteer, and constantly check our email until the wee hours of the night. But your body needs a break, and for more than just the need to relax: you need to give your body deep, quality sleep every night to restore and rejuvenate.

Avoid packaged foods

Packaged foods can sometimes have additives, chemicals, or artificial coloring that’s less-than-healthy for you. If you need something convenient, make sure you’re buying healthier packaged foods for clean eating.

Fill up on cruciferous vegetables, and healthy fats


Eat more cruciferous veggies like organic broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower which are rich in antioxidants and contain “good for you” phytochemicals, biologically active compounds found in these plants. Eat healthy (and delicious) fats like avocados, nuts, olives, cold-water fish, and coconuts – and avoid sugar.

Manage stress

To manage the daily (and inevitable) stressors in your life, focus on self-care. Set aside time for yourself to do yoga, meditate, or simply sit quietly without the distractions or worries of life. Disconnect from email and your phone, breathe deeply, and nourish yourself. It does a body good!

Take an herbal supplement

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One of the things that can help all of us with an active lifestyle is to take an herbal supplement that promotes a healthy inflammation response. I get asked to try a lot of different products, but I recently was asked to give New Chapter’s Zyflamend Whole Body a try: it’s an herbal supplement that’s made up of things like ginger, turmeric— and supports a whole body healthy inflammation response.*+ This vegetarian supplement is also Non-GMO, which is important to me, and easy to take on-the-go with me to help keep my body moving!*
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This is a sponsored post from New Chapter Vitamins & Supplements, who provided me with a free product for our review. We only partner with brands that align with our mission of health, wellness, and positivity—whose awesome products we think can actually improve your daily life. All opinions are my own.

+With Ginger for occasional pain relief after exercise

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Here are a few things you can do on a daily basis to help your overall well-being and support a healthy inflammatory response!


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