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13 Health Benefits of Cucumbers (+ Best Refreshing Recipes


13 Health Benefits of Cucumbers (+ Best Refreshing Recipes

Crunchy, refreshing, and easy to eat, the cucumber is a delicious and nutritious veggie! The health benefits of eating cucumbers regularly can make quite an impact. Cucumbers are packed with antioxidants and a wide variety of vitamins, making them a super healthy addition to your diet. Plus, they make a perfect crunchy snack that’s low in calories

From promoting healthy skin to improving your memory, check out the top 13 health benefits of cucumbers below. And if you’re lucky enough to have a load from your garden or farmers market on hand, you’ll definitely want to check out some of our favorite cucumber recipes too!

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Infographic of cucumbers nutritional content and benefits

1. Promote Hydration
Cucumbers are a great way to keep hydrated on a hot day as they are made up of 95 percent water. Yes, 95 percent, making some call it nature’s most hydrating vegetable! Due to their high water content, they also make for a great juice or smoothie ingredient!

2. Improve Memory
Cucumbers contain an anti-inflammatory flavonol called “fisetin” which plays a significant role in brain health. And while fisetin is found in other vegetables, cucumbers, in particular, contain a more concentrated amount. Due to this, cucumbers have been cited to improve memory and help in preventing memory loss.

3. Aid in Weight Loss
When it comes to weight loss, calories are important. And thanks to only 16 calories per one-cup serving, cucumbers are a great food to aid in weight loss. They can fill you up, without adding many calories to your day. As discussed, they also contain loads of healthy vitamins to give your body a healthy dose of nutrients which is key for losing weight in a healthy way.

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4. Maintain Healthy Digestion
Any vegetable high in water content will be able to promote healthy digestion by keeping you hydrated. However, cucumbers, particularly their skin contains insoluble fiber which helps to add bulk to your stool and aid in the clean-out process. And though this subject is one typically kept private, everyone knows just how important healthy digestion is!

5. Reduce Blood Sugar Levels
Sliced cucumber on wooden table
Cucumbers have been shown to be especially beneficial for diabetics as they’ve been shown to reduce blood sugar levels. Cucumbers have an index of 15 on the glycemic index scale (anything under 55 is considered low). Their fiber content also slows down the digestion of carbohydrates and sugars which in turn reduces blood sugar levels.

6. Have Anti-Cancer Benefits
Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy and reduce your risk of cancer. Cucumbers, in particular, are a member of the Cucurbitaceae family and contain high levels of these nutrients which may help in preventing cancer. They also contain fisetin (mentioned earlier), caffeic acid, and lutein which have all been shown to reduce cancerous symptoms.


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