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Showing posts from March, 2022

13 Health Benefits of Cucumbers (+ Best Refreshing Recipes

  13 Health Benefits of Cucumbers (+ Best Refreshing Recipes Crunchy, refreshing, and easy to eat, the cucumber is a delicious and nutritious veggie! The health benefits of eating cucumbers regularly can make quite an impact. Cucumbers are packed with antioxidants and a wide variety of vitamins, making them a super healthy addition to your diet. Plus, they make a perfect crunchy snack that’s low in calories From promoting healthy skin to improving your memory, check out the top 13 health benefits of cucumbers below. And if you’re lucky enough to have a load from your garden or farmers market on hand, you’ll definitely want to check out some of our favorite cucumber recipes too! My Latest Videos Infographic of cucumbers nutritional content and benefits THIS FOR LATER 1. Promote Hydration Cucumbers are a great way to keep hydrated on a hot day as they are made up of 95 percent water. Yes, 95 percent, making some call it nature’s most hydrating vegetable! Due to their high water conte...

5 Health Benefits Of Turmeric

  5 Health Benefits Of Turmeric When my lovely friend returned from a trip to Istanbul, she brought me one of the best souvenirs ever. Nope, not a magnet…ground turmeric! She handed me this little jar of yellowish colored spice and said, “Here is the real thing!” Seriously, I was excited! Turmeric is a culinary spice common in Asian cuisine and curries, but you might know it best for giving American mustard its bright yellow color. That yellow color actually comes from a powerful antioxidant inside the plant called curcumin. Turmeric has a long history of use in herbal remedies in China, India, and Indonesia, and many studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin’s health benefits. Unfortunately, a squeeze of yellow mustard on your ballpark hotdog isn’t going to do the trick. To reap this healthy spice’s benefits, make space between the cinnamon and the oregano and add turmeric to your spice collection! A jar of fresh Turmeric from Turkey. THIS FOR LATER Health Benefits 1) Anti-I...

How to Support Overall Health & A Healthy Inflammation Response

  How to Support Overall Health & A Healthy Inflammation Response Inflammation has become a bit of a buzzword lately, and there are things you can do to promote a healthy inflammation response in your body that aren’t all that complicated or difficult. Here are a few things you can do on a daily basis to help your overall well-being. Get enough sleep We often feel we need to do it all: put in a full day’s work, prepare dinner, volunteer, and constantly check our email until the wee hours of the night. But your body needs a break, and for more than just the need to relax: you need to give your body deep, quality sleep every night to restore and rejuvenate. Avoid packaged foods Packaged foods can sometimes have additives, chemicals, or artificial coloring that’s less-than-healthy for you. If you need something convenient, make sure you’re buying healthier packaged foods for clean eating. Fill up on cruciferous vegetables, and healthy fats shutterstock_245873155 THIS FOR LATER Eat...

12 Father’s Day Gifts For The Health-Conscious Dad

  12 Father’s Day Gifts For The Health-Conscious Dad (Why does it always creep up so quickly each year?) Regardless, we’re here to help you find a thoughtful gift for dad that he’ll love—and if you have an Amazon account it can be here by the weekend! If your dad is a fan of anything fitness or health-related, he’s going to love these 11 gadgets and gifts this summer and all year round. Here are our favorite gifts to thank your dad for all he does for you and give him the gift of health (and fun!) no matter your budget. THIS FOR LATER #1. FitBit, $119.99. If your dad doesn’t have a FitBit yet, there’s no time like the present to get him tracking his steps and daily activity levels! A FitBit or other tracking device is a great way to challenge yourself and set new fitness goals as you go. With this sleek wristband, dad will be able to track steps, distance, calories burned and active minutes each day. It can also track how long and how well he sleeps and can be personalized with int...

What to Ask for Christmas – Popular Fitness Gifts for 2021

  What to Ask for Christmas – Popular Fitness Gifts for 2021 In a world where shopping can be done with a click of a button, choosing a gift that’s memorable and meaningful can come with its challenges. From fitness gear & accessories to personal wellness to gifts for the kitchen, this list has something for everyone you’re buying for, maybe even something for you! Check out the graphic below and then keep on scrolling to read all about our favorite items to help you make a list when someone asks you: What do you want for Christmas?! Your at home Christmas Gift Guide THIS FOR LATER What to ask for Christmas: Fitness Gear & Accessories 1) 30 OZ Yeti Tumbler: Stay hydrated with this 30 oz Yeti tumbler, that comes with a magnetic lid, the only drink lid that uses the power of magnets to keep your water or favorite drink on lock! Say goodbye to condensation and hello to fresh liquids, just the temperature you like them at! 2) Skidless Premium Towel by Yogitoes This is the perfe...

Your 9 Most Embarrassing Fitness Questions, Answered

  Your 9 Most Embarrassing Fitness Questions, Answered Flip open a magazine to the latest athleisure-wear advertisement and you may think it’s normal to look like an effortless, floating swan when you work out, nary a stray ponytail hair out of place. But when it comes to fitness, it’s not all green smoothies and effortless updos. There’s a whole lot of embarrassing things that can go down when you’re working out, from digestive problems to skin issues and beyond. We’ve been there, which is why we’re answering your so-called embarrassing fitness questions to show you that for everyone, the quest to get fit can be, well….a little messy. Read on to find the answers to those fitness q’s you’ve always wanted to ask. Yes, you’re 100% normal, we promise. 1) Why does my face turn beet-red after a few minutes of working out? For many people, a bright red face during or after exercise is as normal of a reaction as sweating. Some people experience it more often than others, and fair-skinned ...

101 Fitness Tips That Rock (From a Personal Trainer

Whatever your fitness goals, these tips will help you reach them. Personal trainer, Chris Freytag has rounded up 101 of the best fitness tips that she’s compiled over a decade of helping women look and feel their best.  Now, you don’t need to do all 101 (your brain would get a workout trying to remember all of them!), but try incorporating a few into your daily routine each week and watch your health change. Got it? Good. Then, let’s get down to business. General Fitness Tips for Better Health image of fitness equipment as part of a fitness tips blog post THIS FOR LATER My Latest Videos 1. Strive for at least 150 minutes of exercise per week Break it down to 40 minutes 4 days a week, 30 minutes 5 days a week, or however, you’d like! Choose what works best for your lifestyle. 2. Cut your coffee calories Cut calories in your morning cup of coffee by skipping the cream and sugar. Instead, try drinking it black or reducing your amount of each. 3. Keep a fitness journal Tracking keeps y...

Weight loss - a healthy approach

Weight loss - a healthy approach Diets don’t work long term There are lots of misconceptions about losing weight. Popular media is full of fad diets and magic weight loss potions endorsed by celebrities and supported by personal success stories. While many of these diets may help you to lose weight while you’re following them, as soon as you resume your usual lifestyle, the weight starts to creep back on. That’s because losing weight isn’t necessarily the problem, it’s keeping it off longer term that is difficult.  Managing your weight is a life-long commitment – not just following a diet for a few weeks to drop kilograms.  Remember, if the strategies you’re putting into place to lose weight are not strategies that you’ll be able to follow for the rest of your life, chances are you’ll regain any weight you lose.  Risks of dieting  Dieting can be harmful because our body responds to these periods of semi-starvation by lowering its metabolic rate.  When you lose w...

The wonder stuff: what I learned about happiness from a month of ‘awe walks’

  The wonder stuff: what I learned about happiness from a month of ‘awe walks’ am in the middle of a cloud, halfway up a steep pike, and on a mission to get some awe. I am here thanks to a new study, which found that by paying close attention to our surroundings as we walk, we can get our happy chemicals pumping and enhance overall wellbeing. That sounded pretty good, so I find myself in the middle of nowhere on an oddly misty, humid day. Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, thinks I am in the right place. “It’s hard to think of a single thing that you can do for your mind and body that’s better than a little dose of awe,” he says. It was Keltner and a team of researchers who published a paper that found that awe can reduce stress, help inflammation, increase creativity and sociability and make you happy. “To me, that all says we urgently need to find awe.” Advertisement Experiencing awe, Keltner says, has a host of beneficial outcome...

13 Ways to Stay Fit This Fall

  13 Ways to Stay Fit This Fall If you have caring responsibilities, Roberts says you can do a lot within a small area at home. “In a living room, it is easy to do a routine where you might alternate between doing a leg exercise and an arm exercise,” he says. “It’s called Peripheral Heart Action training. Doing six or eight exercises, this effect of going between the upper and lower body produces a pretty strong metabolism lift and cardiovascular workout.” Try squats, half press-ups, lunges, tricep dips and glute raises. “You’re raising your heart rate, working your muscles and having a good general workout.” These take no more than 15-20 minutes and only require a chair for the tricep dips – although dumbbells can be helpful, too. 14 Get out of breath Advertisement We are often told that housework and gardening can contribute to our weekly exercise targets, but is it that simple? “The measure really is you’re getting generally hot, out of breath, and you’re working at a level wher...

How to stay fit forever: 25 tips to keep moving when life gets in the wa

  How to stay fit forever: 25 tips to keep moving when life gets in the wa Can you carry on exercising when your motivation slips, the weather gets worse or your schedule becomes overwhelming? Experts and Guardian readers give their best advice Emine Saner Wed 12 Sep 2018 01.00 EDT 1,002 When it comes to exercise, we think about how to “get” fit. But often, starting out is not the problem. “The big problem is maintaining it,” says Falko Sniehotta, a professor of behavioural medicine and health psychology at Newcastle University. The official UK guidelines say adults should do strength exercises, as well as 150 minutes of moderate activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, every week. According to the Health Survey for England in 2016, 34% of men and 42% of women are not hitting the aerobic exercise targets, and even more – 69% and 77% respectively – are not doing enough strengthening activity. A report from the World Health Organization last week found that people in the UK were...

5 Simple Tips for Fitness Success

  5 Simple Tips for Fitness Success Congratulations on taking a forward step to get in shape and feel great. Many people are guilty of wishing they could get a sculpted body from eating junk food and watching TV all day. But that is just not going to happen. Even though getting in shape sounds like a long, time-wasting process, the effort put towards being in shape has many positive effects. If you want to start your journey to having a better body to feel great, here are some tips: 1. Exercise Daily Exercise daily for at least an hour. You do not have to kill yourself from running, jogging, etc., but you should have some sort of moderate physical activity in your everyday life. If you're looking to shed a few pounds fast, do a higher-level intensity workout. For example, go on a walk at a brisk pace for an hour. Or, you can jog and set certain intervals to sprint during that hour. Make sure you're not in severe pain during your workout. Just a warning, your muscles will ache a...